Introduction to RNA Biology
Course objectives:
Understand the fundamental aspects of RNA biology, including structure, synthesis, and function.
Gain insights into the various types of RNA and their roles within the cell.
Learn the mechanisms of RNA processing, regulation, and degradation.
Explore advanced topics in RNA research and its applications in biotechnology and medicine.
This course is Supported by the Gentaur Group
Verantwortlich | Gen store |
Zuletzt aktualisiert | 21.05.2024 |
Zeitaufwand | 2 Stunden 55 Minuten |
Mitglieder | 1 |
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Chapter1_Introduction to RNA Biology10 xp
Chapter 2_ RNA Processing and Regulation10 xp
Chapter 3_ RNA in Translation and Protein Synthesis10 xp
Chapter 4_ Advanced Topics in RNA Biology10 xp
Summary_ Introduction to RNA Biology