Gen store Biofire Film Array NAT BioFire® FilmArray® Platform Controls & Panels The following NATtrolTM External Quality Controls and Verification Panels have demonstrated performance on the BioFire® FilmArray® Platform. *IVD/CE = In... 14.09.2022
Gen store Cepheid NatTrol #MOLECULAR QC Molecular Controls & Panels for Infectious Disease Testing Cepheid® GeneXpert® Platform Controls Panels The following ZeptoMetrix® NATtrol™ External Quality Controls and Verification Pan... 14.09.2022
Gen store Zetometrix NAT In Molecular Diagnostics, Point of Care the QC is much easier by using standardized NAT Controls... 14.09.2022
Gentaur Bvba vAT BE0473327336 NatTrol Respiratory Part Number Product Description Target Use* NATADV1-ST Adenovirus Type 1 Stock (1 mL) 22 to 25 Ct RUO NATADV1-STQ Adenovirus Type 1 Stock (1 mL) 1,000,000 copies/mL RUO NATADV3-ST Adenovir... 09.09.2022